There From Here

Start Here…Get There

About The Author

Seven years of going from job to job but never really finding a career has brought me here. Everything that I have been through has given me the strength, patience and understanding to work towards what my gut tells me is my destiny. This blog is for those people who feel like there is no one else going through what they’re going through; it is for people who have been through it all and made it to the other side; it is for the people who need a laugh or a cry; it is for the people who just want to get there…from here.

Contributing Writer

Venus Diva Magazine

Young Writer’s Block

Gemini Magazine

Quarterlife Magazine

Driven Magazine

National Media Coverage

MSNBC “Grown kids return to the nest — and regress”

NPR “Repaying Student Loans Becomes Easier”

Campus Progress “Students Over Banks (S.O.B) Stories”


Campus Progress Top Advocate: Recognizing a Tweeter for incorporating their own voice and activism into their #CPNC experience.”

