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Posts Tagged ‘more to love’

Thoughts Inspired by “More to Love”

Posted by Chanelle Schneider on August 7, 2009

“Anyone else noticing that #moretolove came on right after #hellskitchen food then the women who love it!”

“I forgot that “The Biggest Losers Casting Wannabes Meets the Bachelor” aka #MoreToLove is on! Oh snap! I know that was wrong…”

“Maybe some body shots would improve their attitude and self esteem #MoreToLove”

“Swimming There is a whole lotta water about to be displaced! #moretolove”

Those were a few of the nicer tweets that came from some of the viewers of Fox’s “More to Love”. I’m sure they would argue that the women on this show would feel better about themselves and be able to get a man if they would just lose weight. Others, however, would say that these women don’t need to lose weight to get a man; they just need to gain some confidence.

Why should a woman’s weight be the sole reason that she is unappealing to a man? For centuries women have been thought of as purely sexual beings, existing to bring visual and tactile pleasure to a man. That notion has faded away, hopefully. Hopefully, men do want women to serve as their counterparts in other realms and aren’t simply keeping their true thoughts to themselves because they know that a real woman will never be attracted to a man who thinks in this manner. Even so, their facial expressions can give away their true feelings.

Many women have turned to online dating as a tool for meeting men more efficiently, cutting down the time spent on the disingenuous and incompatible. In American society we have become acculturated to believe that dateable equals sexy, and sexy equals skinny, therefore dateable equals skinny. There are many in the Media working against this ethos, especially in the magazines Venus Diva Magazine and Gemini, but we have a long way to go before we see healthy as sexy. While there are men who do not find skinny women to be sexy, they appear to be in the minority. Thus, some overweight women tend to develop the negative inner monologue: I’m never going to find a man who thinks of me as more than a friend or business partner. Attempting to prove themselves wrong, they agree to meet in person the man they have been interacting with online. They ready themselves and wait; then, they meet, and he gives “the face”, wordlessly validating the inner monologue. Now, if she is a strong woman, she will not drown her sorrows in her drug of choice, which is food. Some are not that strong, though.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” You know this is a lie, right? This saying, meant to teach self-esteem and strength, has become a personal mantra, repeated over and over again in the hope that it will turn into a belief. While the remedy should not be the end of all insensitive comments, people who make the jokes should realize that their insensitivity causes emotional eaters to eat even more. Maybe it isn’t their responsibility to consider the feelings of others. These women should just suck it up, get tougher skin, and get over it, right?

The following are video opinions on women who have more to love.

 “Become more attractive to the opposite sex by losing weight.”

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